The increasing availability of infant brain MRI data, such as the data collected from the Baby Connectome Project (BCP), affords unprecedented opportunities for precise charting of dynamic early brain developmental trajectories in understanding normative and aberrant brain growth. However, most existing neuroimaging analysis tools, which are mainly developed for adult brains, are not suitable for infant brains, due to extremely low tissue contrast and regionally-heterogeneous dynamic changes of imaging appearance, brain shape and folding in the infant brains. In this talk, I will introduce our over 10 years of experience in developing learning-based computational analysis methods for quantitative characterization of baby brain development, as well as reconstruction of dynamic brain structural and functional development atlases. Neuroscience applications of these methods in advancing our understanding of the baby brains will be also introduced.
上海科技大学教授、生物医学工程学院创始院长,上海联影智能医疗科技公司联席 CEO,IEEE Fellow,AIMBE Fellow,IAPR Fellow,MICCAI Fellow(医学影像计算 (MIC) 领域首位华人)。曾任美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(UNC-Chapel Hill)放射学系、医学影像中心、计算机系、生物医学工程系终身教授,冠名杰出教授,放射学系 Faculty Development 主任,影像信息中心主任,医学图像分析实验室(IDEA Lab)主任,医学影像中心(BRIC)图像分析平台主任。世界上最早开展医学影像人工智能研究的科学家之一,并最先将深度学习应用于医学影像,包括早期脑发育和自闭症的诊断,老年痴呆症的早期诊断与预测,肿瘤的诊断、预后和放射治疗等。发表论文 1380 余篇,H-index 118,引用 5.6 万余次。Frontiers in Radiology 主编,八个国际期刊的现任副主编/编委,MICCAI 前董事会成员,MICCAI 2019 大会主席。