研究中心硕士生孙宇一篇论文被Neuro Computing刊发

来源:   作者:  点击:[]  日期:2022-11-06

研究中心硕士孙宇的一篇论文“Unsupervised Medical Image Feature Learning by De-Melting Reduction Auto-Encoder”被Neruo Computing刊发。


[Abstract]Unsupervised feature learning is one of the fundamental and highly prioritized problems during medical image analysis. Although it has made remarkable improvement in medical image analysis, it remains challenging because of weak feature expression ability, low model learning efficiency and weak robustness. To address previously mentioned deficiency, a novel unsupervised feature learning method, named De-Melting Reduction Auto-Encoder, is proposed in this paper. More specifically, a joint fusion network structure is constructed, which can not only improve the expression of target features but also reduce the loss of feature decoding and parameters. To obtain the robust solution, a newly-designed decomposed reconstructed loss function is used to strengthen the semantic context between adjacent feature extractor layers, successfully avoiding the insufficient model learning ability from the single optimization objective and improving the quality of extracted features. Eventually, extensive experiments on datasets with breast ultrasonographic images of 400 subjects and lung CT images of 6000 subjects are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experimental results demonstrate that the DMRAE significantly reduces the annotation effort and outperforms prior existing methods by a significant margin.

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